Thursday, April 2, 2009


This is Kori yesterday when we were preparing dinner for the evening. I always let her help with every meal whether its stirring shaking the spice in or putting the veggies in after they are chopped. Well yesterday I told her you may not want to be the the onion because it sometimes will burn your eyes. Se kept saying she was ok and when I looked at her I saw these precious eyes!!


  1. Oh, that poor baby!! LOL We all have to learn that somehow!!

  2. EVERY TIME I used cut up an onion...I would cry. Then I came up with a solution! I saw "onion goggles" in a Rachel Ray mag one time. I thought, "Swim goggles might do the same trick as spending $20 on onion goggles". They did! Mike laughs so hard every time he walks into the kitchen and sees me wearing swim goggles to cut up an onion.
